IDF/ISO Analytical Week


IDF/ISO Analytical Week 2024, 24 -27 June, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe,

The meetings of MSSG and Standing Committees will be available as hybrid meetings. IDF and ISO secretariats will provide the information to log in with the working documents sent to IDF and ISO members for participants only attending remotely.

SC AMAC: Standing Committee on Analytical Methods for Additives and Contaminants


SC AMC: Standing Committee on Analytical Methods for Composition SC MDM: Standing Committee on Methods for Dairy Microbiology

SC LSQA: Standing Committee on Laboratory Statistics and Quality Assurance MSSG: Methods Standards Steering Group

AT: Action Teams – Meetings to be requested by AT leaders

Note: Attendance at IDF and ISO meetings (Action Teams and Standing Committees) is reserved for IDF or ISO members or announced observers.